RL: It sounds like you are or were in an unusal group of people that do things instead of just talking.
** And as such I refuse to be part of a group that does not do work. The revelation is in the pragmatism. There is nothing that cannot be gained by performance versus theorizing. That doesn't mean you don't do your prep work- but to do all that prep and then never DO is the stuff of amateurs. Magick is an art and a science, not a theory. Both art and science require actual work. Theory without practice- Fuck that.
RL: I appreciate your straight forward attitude as well. It is clear to me that you've had successful workings. With what kind of people and format did your group operate as?
*** The group was a bunch of us that decided to give Goetia a try for about three years. One was from a craft group I had trained with (a combination of Basque and Traditional English craft), one was a friend I had known for years whose father was very active in the SoCal OTO and one was a Palero friend of mine. We met every week for four hours for thre first three months reviewing our needs, and then every other week for the next three starting to build, and then started fasting and completeing the materials. We started after nine months of preparation, and evoked on the average about once a month, but not without purpose- they were always either to follow up a previous evocation, or to call a different demon. After the next year we were very used to eachother, our working style, and could see the results. We stayed working for about a year longer, and then we decided to not work with regularity any more. That was in 2004. We've worked twice since then, when need called for it, and have added an additional worker. We don't consider ourselves adepts, by any means, nor even a solid group- we work well together, and we work together. I hope that answers your question.
RL: In part to Duquett's and Crowleys suggestion of evoking the spirits with the Enochian Calls, I
have been studying them to do the same. It has been interesting already going over the Enochian words over and over trying to memorize them puts me into a very meditative state very quickly. Have you have experience or ideas about this?
** As much as I love the sound of Enochian- it was more important for me to be able to feel commanding- so I stuck to Latin when it was my turn to evoke. Xanthi, one of my co-conjurers, she is very proficient in languages (she speaks at least 12 fluently) had no problem adding the pseudo language of Enochian. She's good like that. Both produced tangible results. However, we found that using both together was FANTASTIC. I spoke in Latin, she spoke in Enochian, and one of us would be praying while the other was observing, or both of us would be praying while Tom would 'work.' Etc. She evoked in Enochian. I evoked in Latin. We got very good at using the sound contrasts/ harmonics of Enochian and Latin. It also worked VERY effectively to reprimand spirits in Latin AND Enochian. They knew WE were in charge. I would think that if you have the propensity towards Enochian, then use it. But for me I think the prayers should be memorized. You will change them in part in time, but you have to have the basis to start.
RL: I have also been thinking a great deal about enviornment. For some reason the isolated outdoors either on a beach, mountain, or forest, seems to be ideal for the working. My intuition is that outside human influence like cars or airplanes or yelling could bring about terrible consequences. I imagine your workings were indoors, is this correct?
*** They were in an old foundation of a silo in upstate New York. Half indoors, half outdoors, I guess. It helped because we could set up a "temple" and control the environment.
RL: I believe Christopher Hyatt suggested masking tape could be used for the magic circle and I have heard elsewhere that the more ornament the spirits sigil the better chance for a successful working. How much is that true?
*** I worked as a set designer and scenic painter. I followed the 'traditional' as much as I can. I painted (adding things to the paint) on quarter inch luan and plywood. We added our own names of deity, in their respective languages/ scripts, but we were sure to include the traditional- to have the solid base that has worked. How did we know it would work if we followed the instructions? We didn't. In all truth- we had known no one that had actually completed a goetic working, save Lon DuQuette, who I had met a few times back in LA at some classes. His insights were very helpful, and while I appreciate his views- I like the 'trappings' of the texts- because I come from a Santeria family- I'm not afraid of 'gross'ness in ritual and ritual consecration. Xanthi- she's fierce. Her preferred method of divination is exstipacy- reading entrails- in particular chicken. End point. The more effort put in, the more the tools and temple have in them- there is power/ache/indarra in the work. Something many "magicians" are afraid of nowadays. Our sigils were made in wax with shards of the appropriate metal- and as reward we gave the spirits a permanent sigil- each of us did- the primary querent had the biggest made, and the rest of us got small 3 inch disks made.
RL: The first time I ever went to an OTO meeting I saw your traditional green colored red eyed flying demon for a split second near the Body Master of the Oasis. So I think I will know when something else is the room. Within the limits to protect your magic, what can you describe that another person might come across?
*** Personally, I favor group working for this reason - the other people there can save your life. They can be eyes when you are not. Each of us saw something in the triangle. Usually two of us saw the same thing- but the spirit manifested visually different to eveyrone there, and often "spoke" in our minds in different languages and voices. Other times we all saw the same thing and heard the same thing- and this usually happened when we were reprimanding. When we started cursing the demon, threatening its sigil, the demon became uniform in voice rather quickly- some more than others (higher ranks are definately more defiant and harder to control, and less likely to freak out). The newest co-conjurer was surprised when he SAW something- he had never 'seen' before- and it freaked him out a little. We had to protect him- the demon saw him as the weak link IMMEDIATELY.
RL: I had a breakthrough understanding of the Enochian tablets this weekend. The golden dawn had a technique where you visualize a (single or multiple) square you were on for the beings involved and imagine the energy inside a pyramid without it's apex with the Enochian letters above you and the symbols of the square on each side of the pyarmid.
*** Yes. Lon DuQuette discussed this. I have two sets of the tablets which are truncated pyramids that I made. One with computer keys, which are slightly oblong truncated pyramids, and then one in wood. I enjoy making things. Again, power in the work. I don't do much Enochian work, but figured making the tablets would help my understanding of them.
RL: Are there similar astral visualizations useful for denziens on the xenoside?
*** We developed some visualizations, but I think the best way to learn of the other side is to DO it. Some of the 'meditations' we came up with would make much more sense once you evoke.