summing up 2005 im pleased to announce a special guest on rune logix, well known internet Archon, shogunx. cto of gnuveau networks, shogunx is a guru of all things linux and clustered computing. the shogun is knowledgeable for many good things engineering into the future, one line of code at a time. he has gracefully provided feedback on many enlightening subjects this year has brought us, and foretells what the future year may bring. naturally if you're under 18 years old, voted republican in the last 40 years, and just dont like hearing other people point of view, you are prohibited from reading this post. all others, enjoy. --RL
> biggest event of 2005?
ecological karma kicks the developed world in the nuts with hurricanes,
elevated temperatures, siberian and alaskan permafrost meltdown leading to
massive frozen peat bog methane eruptions, disrupting of north pacific
food chains, and general atmospheric havok. these events hailed my
ecologists as "the tipping point," setting a chain reaction in motion that
we are currently powerless to stop, unlike the wanton waste of western
culture that brought us to that point. so get out of your fucking SUV's
out there, and put your fat, lazy a** on a bicycle.
> biggest technology impact in 2005?
GNUveau Networks ports linux to the IBM Shark, on a machine formerly
property of the pentagon:) Seriously though...
Blue Gene. I love the heavy metal.
> prophecys for 2006?
Bush gets impeached, then arrested for trying to steal White House
furniture while vacating office. It is later discovered that the table in
question had been modified to house his personal stash of cocaine.
Nancy Reagan is quoted as saying "I told you so, Georgie." In his final
act before the impeachment proceeding culminate, Bush demands a refund
from the French for New Orleans, claiming the United States was sold a
lemon in the Louisiana Purchase. Oh, and George, if you are reading this,
eat a d***, traitor.
As a Category 5 hurricane nears the coast of North Carolina, eco-activists
sabotage HAARP, causing the hurricane to dissipate.
Mars Rovers discover evidence of ancient civilization on the red planet,
proving if you want something done right, use Linux, the only OS available
one planet next door.
Democrats and Greens retake the House and Senate, led by a group of
technologists who are fed up with the bullshit, by leveraging superior IT
resources to outflank America's mass media hydra for American voter
mindshare, in congressional elections using only paper ballots, the
authenticity of which is assured by live webcasts of polling places and
vote counts, ensuring public oversight of this critical vector of attack
against the American Democracy.
Google sends Gates running for cover in Mountain View, as they roll out
Linux based thin clients providing X11 desktops connected to massive
clusters over their free wifi network because a random Google engineer
"thought that would be pretty cool."
Schwarzenegger is killed in a drive-by as he visits south central LA for
a speech. Ice Cube quoted as saying "Gubernate that, mother f*****."
> best shroom pizza in daytona?
I've got to go with hometown independent Shroomers Pizza. They make a
damn good calzone.
> biggest political upset of 2005?
Tiny independent KO's Diebold voting machines in rural
Leon County Florida, inching closer to proving (with real evidence, not
just plain common sense) that the last 2 US presidential elections were
> what your new years revolutions?
Complete my prototype solar/electromagnetic high gain generator. Heres to
you, Nikola Tesla. They burned your lab several times, drove you to
die in poverty, stole your greatest inventions in their corporate greed,
and still, in the long run, you won, because they ran out of gas.
Re-capture root on my DEC Alphaserver 4100, currently held by my 20 month
old daughter ;)
> whats the Nth reason to not start blogging?
There is a reason diaries (you remember, the little blank books like
Winston Smith had in 1984) were sold with locks on the covers. Some guy
in Bangalore does not care about your your cats recent hairballectomy
surgery. But mainly, people in congress are using the inane term
blogosphere, proving that "Blogs Are Just Not That Cool."TM Write a
fucking poem or something instead.
> whats your pick for being better developed in 2005, netbsd or openbsd? why?
NetBSD. Native support for Xen hypervisor, making it, along with Linux,
a viable mainframe class operating system.