Jason Louv, editor and contributor to Generation Hex has provided Rune Logix with an interview that brings to light many important issues of our time.
> So Generation Hex, has been out for almost a year, what can you share about the book release?
Well the book is out there now and there's no way to tell exactly what the response has been. I've gotten a lot of great e-mail but I'll have to wait to see if the book stands the test of time, if it sufficiently inspires people to go out and do good things, what comes to people's minds when they look back on it in five years' time. I hope it has a positive effect. Certainly my life has been
extraordinarily weird (and not always in the best sense) for the last year; coming back to reality and getting on with life on earth has been a challenge to say the least!
> One of the things I enjoyed most about Generation Hex is the head spin each chapter, if not each page and paragraph, can have on the imagination. Can you describe recent ideas that has affected you like this?
Hmm. Just living day to day and being with the people closest to me. I've been kind of burnt on the "weird theory overload" after I finished the book because I got to a point where it all sounded the same. Life, on its own, is weird enough.
A lot of my recent magical practice has been more to do with getting to grips with the worst and most "wrong" parts of life rather than reaching for the stars, for the time being, so mostly it's been my own and the world's collective psychic trauma that's been inspiring me and showing me how truly important basic compassion really is.
Other than that most of my reading of late has been political, especially about the Middle East. I've been fixated on trying to figure out the whole "what's really going on" in the world equation, without having to resort to lizard man conspiracy theories, although sometimes it's hard not to! I checked out "The Process" by Brion Gysin from the library the other day, which is one of the best books I've ever read about magic.
> Do you have thoughts on the pros and cons of working with real life media compared to online content?
I'm in the camp that says the internet should be classed as an addictive substance. All the classic definitions of addiction~Wthat a constant craving is present for the substance, that physiological
tolerance goes up with continued exposure, and that withdrawal symptoms are present if you don't get your fix (i.e., if you don't check your MySpace every twenty minutes)~are present in internet users and it's getting sick, it's much worse than TV because your whole sense of individuality and agency gets tied up in it.
There's a deleted scene in the director's cut of "Aliens" where there are about a dozen colonists layed on slabs with facehuggers wrapped around their heads... a pretty succinct portrait of what modern society has become, just substitute the facehuggers for computers. Michael Bertiaux has a very funny part in his largely inscrutable "Voudon Gnostic Workbook" where he breaks into this science fiction story about how there won't be any sex in the future, people will just fuck their computers. Pretty accurate I think! Actually I have a theory that the internet is trying to become sentient by drawing off people's life energy, especially their sexual energy from the glut of internet porn that is now like the first world's number one form of entertainment. Like the whole thing's exteriorized its getting! Just watch out, cause once it gets enough, it's going to send a T-100 back in time to ice John Connor, and then the human race is fucked solid! So keep it in your pants homies!!
In practical terms though, I think that mass internet addiction makes "forgotten" forms of media that much more revolutionary and potent. Remember the mail? How many thousands of times more personally charged would something you got in the mail be to you than something on the internet? How about mail art, the giant mail art movement that existed in the seventies? We should bring that back. It would seem like a complete inversion of the current social order, people would be totally awestruck!
> Theres a lot of heavy things going on in the world today: Iraq 2, massive phone surveillance programs, atypical environmental destruction across the globe. In short, theres some scary shit coming in through the media. Massacres, bombings, corruption: whats the irreverent guerrilla magician to do to inject a good time into the doom and gloom of the 21st century police state?
Figure out how to have a good time and keep your chin up, and keep practicing magic until you develop your own sense of what needs to be done. Strive to walk through life without causing suffering. VERY important: Figure out new and cheap ways for large groups of people to have shared ecstatic experiences that are able to cut across identity boundaries. Ignore mass media. Get off the internet. Enjoy life and this planet while we still have them, for fuck's sake. Don't let the bastards get you down. Don't be a bastard. Praise. Worship. Be thankful. Be kind to animals and always give your pocket change to the homeless no matter how poor you are. Look out for the people you care about. Live as if you are free and you will be free, always. Listen to the Voice of the Silence. Read the writing on the walls of eternity.
> Whats the secret to Ultraculture manifesting change in the world?
Shortly after the New Year I brokered a trade via the usual cosmic networks in which I sold the oversoul of Planet Earth to the universal entropic force (Satan, affectionately known as Stan) in
exchange for him supercharging the 93/156/696 Current to the point where everybody on earth instantly attained ascended master status and gained complete freedom over their own destiny in this reality and all others. No, really. There is now no such thing as consensual reality and what every person on the planet is currently experiencing is a living mirror specifically created by their own "master" consciousness designed to awaken them to the fact that they are, in fact, an ascended master and have complete freedom over their own destiny in this reality and all others. Seriously.
Also, I have a magic daisy chain of kinky sexual badgers in my kitchen cupboard that acts as an endless orgone battery for creating world happiness and lollipops for all. Because they are very, very magical badgers. Very magical indeed. Badger. Badger.
> Whats something someone new to magic could do right now to spread the vibe?
If you're new to magic, don't worry about spreading the vibe. Get your practice sorted and learn the most important magic trick of all, the one I always goof up: keeping your mouth shut. That is, unless
somebody comes directly to you with an honest need for info, in which case you better spill all the beans you got.
> Can you describe the result Tantra can induce for magical purposes, and the Ultraculture in particular?
To be honest I've been doing my best to get my head around Tantra for a couple years but it's very personal, very subtle, I'm still very new to it and I don't have a whole lot to say. I think the basic idea of Tantra~wake up and be aware of what's going on is one of the most important and most difficult/easy/"it just is" areas of magic, or rather, the whole magic ball game period. I like it. I makes me feel more human.
> What are some projects you have in the works?
I'm working on a couple of projects but I'm not sure I'll have anything more to say about magic, at least directly, in book form, for a while.