Colleagues in Illegal transactions are the most popular character portrayal of Americans in every class and social circle of the country. Being illicit adds a certain legitimacy to characters like Dick Cheney and Snoop Dog. Getting away with any kind of action no matter how outrageous or insulting is a tell tale sign any frustrated child will resort to. In males this often entails a contempt of women in degrading ways such as the popular portrayal of pimping which is the inversion of exactly the same attitude that refuses a woman choice in reproductive freedom. And it's not like worse attitudes towards women are enlightened elsewhere: women are often abused or socially inferior in most places of the world. What I'm attempting to show is the meta programming affecting reality today.
It's going to be a wide historical gap to take place between generations to heal the damage to the human spirit today. Unfortunately that crossroads probably wont come to pass to prevent this cycle from continuing. And it does not seem that my generation will be any different. If frustrated little boys aspire to this confederation, we will continue to see a degradation of values and attitudes that are quickly evaporating care for ones neighbors and even basic human rights if charge is not taken to change this now. We do not want to return to the age -not to distant- of a women's value what she can be bought for. I am a minority in that I don't want watch Hollywood movies or follow pop culture as much as I am able- I don't care to feed into that program, but how many people like to be dazzled by glamour? Short answer: too many.
Generational guidance is more strained than ever before in this country, and I think a large part of that has to do with this cultural breakdown, and partly because their isn't any. I call it a cultural breakdown because that is what happens when a society limits or constrains itself to a monoculture. My generation is certainly the most selfish monoculture the world has ever seen for trinkets and dead end rhythms. It's as though our society is still under the shadow (or spell) of the last generation that had something important to do (which in my humble opinion was the World War II generation). And so theres the illegality, Americas favorite pastime, either brutally, virtually, or legally. The cross-insemination of this attitude exists in both the gangsterism in the African American community and the nostalgia of 1930's gangsters in the Caucasian world (which day to day is naturally more orientated toward the gangster culture of Hip hop). This dead ends in the brigand, brute, and highway men. In the District of Columbia last month a suspect after slitting the throat of a British man had his friends attempt to rape his partner. A short time after wards the group minus the victims went to KFC for some evening chicken. One has to wonder at the veracity of people like this. What kind of earth we manifest through our actions and thoughts is the most important thundering of the universe possible, and we are very much lacking intelligence in current world affairs. I must mention that the definition of unintelligence is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting to get a different result.
I keep hearing incidental reports that the honorable and timeless pirate is being consummated by big media as fast as flies on shit. Everybodys favorite pirate these days gives a big cut to the house. A counter thesis would argue that all the pirates could be bought off to change sides in a war. That has certainly been true of hip hop. I wanna be a soldier. Soulja. Soulja sounds suspiciously to me like a voodoo term and an Arabic Jihad, but thats just the Qabalist in me trying to jump out. I prefer to encourage differences in people, enjoying those who are dissimilar, sometimes eccentric, who in some way, are unique. I support maintaining differences. Both positive and negative. Monotony the Primate is a dragon, a terrible ally of wasting time, the State, and the division of labor. Monoculture doesn't know anything else. That's it's enduring strength. More than that it of course can't conceive of alternatives other than itself. These follow pop culture religiously and are segregated into peer pressure of conformity most easily. For example, not supporting the troops breaks ranks with the national spirit: I don't support the troops.
Don't support the troops occurs 30.9 million times in google. Support the troops occurs 90.9 million. I told you I am in the minority. Don't believe me? Check out
Take heed of the very worthy "Operation Homefront offers support to our deployed troops by helping the families they leave behind. " Such is the irrationality of the era we live in. I mention the war for one very specific reason: indefensible actions is like bread and butter. Just like American automobiles on the street, our media, and our foreign affairs is proof of a national problem of not thinking for itself. If we thought of what was in our own best interest as a community, neither the automobile companys, big media, or self elected members in Washington would go down in history as the picture permenant record of life in our times. We can't get enough of being outrageous, provocative, and frustrated children which is exactly how the rest of the world views this country. Not that wouldn't give their right arm to be like us, however. Everywhere we are surrounded in a conspiracy of epoch proportions, a police state of the most horrible kind. It will be a cultural prison from which life wouldn't be able to escape. It is the most real type of egregor their is, that is, the lowest possible level of consciousness possible, a consumer.
Consumerism consumes the consumer. By allowing George Bush decide how your needs are met has already far surpassed the most notorious examples of McCarthyism and Watergate.
I think it's essential that the ways of peace and guardianship be restored as the only task of the soldier. I'm encouraged that even pirates had a code of honor, while our politicians, media, actors, soldiers, and thugs do not.