last night i had the pleasure of viewing the greater circulation by antero alli. the film is an initiation based on the work of a parisian poet, rainer maria rilke and his 'requiem for a friend,' a poem that explores the gamut of changes that occur in the living touched by the ghost of a beloved who had died in childbirth.
the film itself is notable for the interweaving of the entire text of the lyre into the storyline. however much i hate the term supernatural, the effect of the film on the mind and emotions is very similar as i watched the repartee with sorrow and death over the head of sanity. some of the ecstatic states rilke describes in his visions echos that of a conversation with his guardian angel. angels are an archetype that repeats at least a half dozen times. antero mentioned after the screening that the angels evoke many things, from benevolence, infallibility, bleeding, and death. it is only a matter of degree of feeling when the liminal voice over of the film strikes your self hovering over its requiem.
imbued with these values and still recovering from this trauma is a moral of will that will not be lost by anyone with the intention and desire to see this film, the greater circulation. at times ecstatic, other times, saddening, i left the viewing in a contemplative state of mind and strong desire to know more of rilke and his work.
currently on a six city tour, has more information about the viewings.