I come to know how Nietzsche becomes more important as one grows older.
I used to think of so many grand, lofty things. My younger years were always spent fantasying and dreaming up all sorts of ways to keep me occupied, all the time. I am known by my friends for my knowledge of books and computers, the first of which is my real passion. It would be impossible to life how many lives I've lived. With books and imagination you don't need anything else. I would often visualize this as scenes all around me. Each one is distant, yet real close.
I have this way when I'm sleep deprived or in a bad mood is to flex this invisible angry field extending from my solar plexus and I become instantly heart felt with people. Lately it's been uncanny. Others feel it too, subconsciously, here's a person that's glad to see me. It's such a joyous reason to smile. Sometimes it's not saying anything but allowing others to talk. And that's when you really get to know a person. You have no reason for malice, sarcasm, bad feelings, anger, or hate. You are best being you. You are loving because, you're just loving.
This was one year before I decided to leave to California. I left one year ago a life of certain pleasure warmth and affection for an unknown. I left behind the most loving relationship I have ever experienced in my entire life. I learned what true love really is. Even more, I have learned what it is like to have true love, and leave it, it's not something that I wish to describe. Then I happened upon the exact position and the exact lifestyle I said I was going to have. This has been going on for almost a year now. I just can't believe how fortunate I am to be spending it in the company I am in. The effects of the changes I've gone through this period is in many ways inexpressible for me, yet, each day I welcome lovingly. I have been an active magician for the course of this period, the lower intensity ways of the shaman my tool at hand. I've undergone profound studies of qaballah, tarot, runes, and the Norns. In similar fashion I found and kept a partner that I truly love whose essence is like none on earth.
It would seem that I am living the the life of a King.
I want to write a book called "The A+ Guide To How to S**** As much out of Life as Possible." These are the kinds of people they say what their audience wants to hear, like politicals of all colors.
But esspecially conservatives.
I have on average been provided on average two free computers come into my possession, a month, since moving to the Bay Area. I guess you could say this is the greatest development of events in my entire life. I have have had years in which feel like decades behind me. I've had many things I held dear leave me in someway. I am deeply, deeply, saddened that many of my notebooks and drawings from my younger years have not survived. I once wrote Michael Eisner (former CEO of Disney for all you know nothing twenty year olds) a letter proposing my design for a Disneyland ride of a Vietnam war "theme." Michael didn't write me back, but his chief legal secretary did, returning my hand color penciled maps of the park and detailed instructions on what would happen at each point. This was in fourth grade, a very fond year for me.
The greatest global cultural phenomenon shift of all time is the influence on two subcultures from the 80's in todays society: computers and hip hop. There has never been such a fusion on the whole planet's culture in world history then by these two products. They have changed everything, from speech, to style, to when being nerdy is cool. Being a nerd was never cool when I was young. So on one side you have people who use Google and Yahoo! and the other that plays blaring bass out of their automobiles and working class. I think there is a growing disconnect in these two cultures in ways I can corelate to my security guard experience. Both are in sync in two different currents. And I wonder what this means on the Metaphysical field I can feel around my heart that stretches out to infinity, where do these intersect in the space/time vector of infinity, become one, and that is a very important lesson I learned from time as a security guard, and I think I got that figured out.
Who knows, I could be Hitler's reincarnation if all the weight of the world of guilt the Catholic church has placed on humanity. It's these kinds of things that weigh on my mind. I realize not not that not many people consider things like this, but this matters to me.
I imagine that if I ever want to to be known for anything, it would be for this.
I don't know, I just had these ideas in the shower and thought I'd write them down.