unusual experience to report today. a complete stranger who i've come to admire in just three hours time. so here it is. i have a confession about a secret of mine. i keep an internal list of conversations i've had tucked away in my brain that i treasure. the memory's and experiences that i recall to have lived gives me one of my greatest pleasure out of life. i have written this down after having one of those experiences today.
i had heard an old hippie talking about the beats, "jack Kerouac.." i first heard called out. i started to tune in. "...when I knew ginsberg in '65..." and other details. I, "moving over to over listen to this conversation." the following is recorded from memory. i havent included private matters spoken about love of god, wife, and san francisco. also some errors are certainly in the typescript. some of the ordering is not linear as to the actual conversation, have patience for apparently random jumps in the conversation, i still think the impressions are powerful.
"you know acid was legal back then. 300 microns is enough to lose you shit with. that's perfect for a transcendental experience, you wouldn't know if you were given more later on because your at such a peak already. and the acid was, pretty much in unlimited supply. that was a college kid thing. college kids were into acid, it was hard to get them to buy marijuana. marijuana was largely a negro or mexican thing and because everyone wanted to see you drop it your mouth before they did, you end up doing a couple of hundred drops and when the time they start feeling it, you'd be smoking weed, and offer it to them. that was what really started white kids into the whole thing. those were the early days though.
the whole time seem to of been a kind of an initiatory trip in itself. and this where you have to understand business, because you gotta understand, business as initiatory experience.
see, you have to know the three way hand shake, like computers need to communicate together. its protocols and way of speaking english, the wrong way of speaking english i will remind you. english as a language is not spoken in america. you have to learn when to speak and when to keep your mouth shut. when to be around and when to be scarce. once you know the culture and speak the language you can go anywhere in the corporate world and survive. so little of language is verbal is amazing. its how you get along with others.
its group dynamics. everything that a group does together, you me, you, and these people over here, are all part of a group that is changing the very chemistry of each other, right now. growing up, going to school, a general education, these are tools for learning how to survive in this culture.
a free man has no need for any of this. a free person has all of the things he needs to live his life without outside support. if you can feed and clothe yourself, like the Indian people that lived here before the west, you dont need international trade. you dont need all this "stuff" that people have. if you are a wage slave or a rent slave, then guess what, you ain't free. international trade means nothing to a free person. you are not raised to run the business, you are the business. and you need a whole system to train this officer corp. this management class that needs a broad degree of specialization.
why do you think the elites are never given a general education. they are mentored. they are tutored to learn the things you, the average person, are not supposed to know.
this is the legacy of the whole matrix of matrimony left by Charlemagne. a whole class of people who were only allowed to marry from a select small number of families. back then they didn't want you to know that the land was common and could be used by anyone because they wanted to keep it for themselves. this is how armies were formed around a king and nations were born. the kings were endowed to divine right only through the church of rome, and thereby drawing the source of their power according to the relationship they had with the roman church. and that depending on how much money they gave them. it was this elaborate mess.wars were never fought for religion. it was always for resources, power, *and making a hand movement* money. and so this eh, structure and organization..." i interject, "hierarchy," yes this hierarchy of control. and control is the key word to understanding all this.
that is the chief legacy of the bishops and the jesuits. the jesuits for they were the educators and scholars. their life pledged to poverty, and chastity nonsense. the bishops ruled their parishes, and diocese like a kingdom. when you commit a sin and you feel bad about it you go to the priest to confess. he hears you out and gives consolations and says it will take so many hail marys and a donation.
and so the specialized mentoring, thats the ah...
"journeyman?' i suggest. lets say that...and the source of masonry and architecture, religious...i say, "sacred geometry?"
well sort of like that, yes, but with buildings and highways. and it gets back to physics again, where the electron is spinning in all of our bodies the same way yet we are all very different.
the german princes didnt want to pay rome which was the basis of the reformation. the netherlands were the praetorian guard, the secret service of rome. why the secret service is part of the treasury william penn priests figured out chemical difference of hydrogen and steel with oxygen. with that oxygen removed, you had the ability with increasing the heat of forging steel. and with steel you can wrap long strings of steel to make a rope and build stuff like golden gate bridge. its all about oxygen.
education is the key to control which is a tutored education from birth to death they, dont receive a general education like the rest of us. like greek and latin. latin was the language of rome, the language of the priests and the lawyers.
lawyers run temple bar london in pact with the priests. a california governor is the source of jesuit progressives. bush and that gang are just as crazy. we are considered a young, immature, powerful country by the rest of the world and the whole world is struggling in ways to bring us down. and they want to bring down the power, and wealth, of this country.
here we are, american gangsters in a coffee shop. free individuals that have come together in this non local space in time. there were electrons that were made to move and i would like to know who it was that made them move.
san francisco is the most dangerous city in the world. not ruled by the federal government or the U.N.
the gold rush that happened in the eighteen hundreds is never really over. most of the gold never
left california. why do you think this city is wealthy. san francisco has all the gold under the city. we even have more women working in this city then men. new york doesnt have the same kind power to draw people like janis joplin from texas.
we are the Elohim, the worlds highest authority in existence.
no two days are the same in san francisco. situated on the edge of western civilization, it is truly the place where east meets west, kipling was a fool when he said west is west and east is east and the twain shall never meet, because here they meet. we have escaped the rule of rome.
see people like that are not considered, intellectuals.' what we are doing, talking here, is not a test, its a discovery. the journey itself is not what matters, its the moment. everything is only a series of moments and to make those matters worth while, i have my wife, and i have my faith in god.
before kesey in san francisco, there were no freak outs, bad trips on acid. it was un heard of. then he came and started messing shit up. i ask "what about the diggers?" and he said, well since he was in theater business myself and was doing street theater , he knew that they were never really that big a deal in the city. the reason why the attention is placed on them is the people behind them, politically, which happens to be the roman church. and look at the name itself. anyone who chose that name would of have to of known about the fifteenth century Shrouded in a mystique of anonymity,
[[ the Diggers took their name from the original English Diggers (1649-50) who had promulgated a vision of society free from private property, and all forms of buying and selling. they were undercover jesuits.]]
i was involved with theater, film, and i ran the san francisco oracle underground newspaper. the people, never forget that its the people that make a city special. they are simply the extension of gods grace on earth.
this city belongs to jesus. it was built in his name. this peninsula was nothing but sand dunes with a couple of wooded knolls. the mission is the foundation of christ and is the only city in the state of california to built with such a divine purpose. golden gate park is a testament of the people and community of this city to make a park. we made that place, nothing there is natural. nothing about us from the moment you put glasses on, use a cain or crutches is natural. but we still exist in the world of three dimensions. Rousseau and that school of empiricts destroyed everything. they didn't know the category's... or geometry...
i say, "the platonic universe"
exactly. under local church governance can redeem all property lands and use them as we see fit. this was the mission of the knights of malta, knight templars, and others service to the church. they were mercenaries, and extremely brutal. they did everything bad a pack of males could do. they want to make the new world order, one world government. they are planning the mark with which you can not buy or sell without. yes i know what madame blavatsky, aleister crowley, and hubburd want for the planet.
you know the source of the witch was as a collector of potions, magick herbs. aphrodisics. stimulents. the statue of diane was shown wearing a garland of heroin poppy flowers. not only that, she didnt have to breasts,
i said, "she had thousands."
the witch collected the poisions, that couldnt be traced, to kill one in your sleep, to make a man mad. "the weaker poisons being vaccines to heal." well, yes,vaccines. "a weak posion is nesasry to heal sometimes." yes you're right about that.
[a secret realization came to me with that]
the wiccans and pagans, they're all the same thing. it was no joke about the witch and her broomstick, get kinky with it, she would give herself orgasms with it! in fact if they found out where i was at i would probably have my throat pulled out from my mouth socket.
"have you revealed the secrets of a master mason?" i ask. he didnt suspect a masonic challenge.
well, yes i have revealed many secrets, secrets they don't want you to figure out what the church of rome is up to. like the duke of bedford, the Marquess of Tavistock. http://educate-yourself.org/nwo/nwotavistockbestkeptsecret.shtml [link semi functioning] the truth is all in there."
and this is probably the extent of my memory of the conversation, i'll be filling in more as i meditate about this conversation further. happily, you can find out more about Daniel, captive of Babalon, at http://woodstocknation.org/
the genius and crazy is unmistakable: i love the trait.
a smiling hippie in his sixties, took a moment to take it all in. french beret, dark fiery eyes, greying long hair and a mushtache of epic proportions.
still living out times as forward thinking and considerate you could ever hope to find. as the hippies follow the setting sun, like the cowboys before them, they never die, they just fade away into the sunset.
Sun Opposition Med.Coeli exact at 19:31
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