i walked through a door tonight, a door of light. i found a whole new realm that opened right before my eyes. in the seat of prayer, the alter, my bed.
with visions comes everything, memories, and trivia.
you see creatures with horns of a ram and a face of a man. they carry you on their back into a foreign land. which at whose arrival you partake of the gods point of view. the aeons and aeons pass by and are done. you see how silly it all is, back down there. in fact, you have a strong urge to leave it all behind, and never return. but you insist. you have a demand to make from them. you demand opening to the gates of the body and be forgiven your shames. you diplomatic your plea. with the poetry of your heart you cry. you sob. and growl. all to their haughty judgment. until at last, the gods tell you what to do.
and you do it.
free at last.