I was asked a question recently that was difficult to answer. The question was "what magick path do you follow? There is nothing on your blog that reveals where you're coming from." I was puzzled at first. I mean, where to begin? I might feel most at home with the heathen practices of Asatru, or rune magic, but that's not totally where I'm coming from. I feel at ease with Thelema as espoused by Aleister Crowley. Same with Nietzsche and Austin Osman Spare. Add to that my free wheeling anarchist side, what at one time was referred to as chaos magic, and I follow many paths. Magick for me is as much a way of life than a ritual I need to perform. I'm consciously living in the result of a magickal intent, the kind of life I set out to live. Laughter, a stray look, spitting, all of these signal more magickal intent to me than some Lesser or Greater Ritual of Bullshit. I've seen, met, and read enough of a so-called spiritual nature to be extremely skeptical for what is supposed to be of a "sacred" character. The occult that appeals to me are the mysteries that refuse to be unhidden and not because I'm invoking tendrils of demons or taking it upon myself to bring about harm, but to find the lone insoluble capacity to inhabit a life lived in a melody, perfectly.
For me, Magick is a tool. Complex, simple, ancient, and post modern. Paradigms or paths are all traditions and applications of the tool. I have the entire world of paths open to me, the question as to which one I use is up to my agape to fancy. I don't care about enlightenment, grades, degrees, titles, status, renown, or magickal powers. The swamis can have all the honor. There is simply far to much bullshit written off in spiritual circles as being original or relevant that is neither. Pet prejudices of magickal practice bore me to tears. If I read of yet another tween Order of initiates in the context of html I'm going to get ill. Lastly, I emphatically reject that magick of any sort is any "higher" or more conscious way of living ones life. Different is not better, neither is Enlightenment hidden in Dark Age modes of thought. But I digress.
I will end with a note of thanks to the person that started me thinking along these lines, you know who you are. You have single handedly resuscitated my opinion of contemporary Enochian magicians.