Tim Boucher is one of my favorite bloggers, damn near daily reading of mine. he posted a topic i wanted to link rune logix readers directly to: what the difference is between the occult and magick. i wrote a quick opinion at his site which i thought i'd quote here:
"as a practicing magictian, you begin to realize that it dosen’t matter. carl jung described the “spiritual” and the “psychological” to be the same thing. think about that. if every thing in the human mind is in fact spiritual, the only proof you need to measure your actions is success. such is the underlieing (occult, if you will) inspiration of psychology. whither your life is in disorder or your job is unfulfilling: you are choosing or at some level allowing that to be.
failiure in any realm indicates your magick is (if i may call, pure will) ineffective. that does not mean you are executing your true will, whatever that might be. but if you are not living the life you want to live you are not a healthy individual. magick is about making that change. what gets interesting is thats some other changes come along too. difficult situations, mental lapses, hyper awareness of faults, voices and visions, the fantastic and frightening.
it’s a great work. the crown of a life well lived: there is nothing in the two bit realm of human affairs you are not god and master of. only the strength of your anchor will keep you from falling off the edge of the earth and into megalomania and insanity in a world that is already more insane and only slightly more megalomanic than you already. this path is the tao, the great all that oriental paths have veiled in words so perfectly.
on the path i walk it’s called love, but it can be called many things and in fact can be confused with any thing yet i’m only interested in a few particular things (my path being pretty joe blow). i havent found any more direct method to change myself than magick and i owe my life to guarding the path with barbs of steel to anyone who only thinks about magick: what a shame. where the mystic stops, the magick starts. by analogy, the only fool is the neophyte that has misplaced his crown.
although certaintly not my final say about the subject, i'd like to welcome readers here to contribute to the disscution at Pop Occulture